Friday, December 7, 2012


Brazilian Sunset 
 What's up kiddo's.  Just wanted to update you all on my life de Brasileira.  This week was lazy...I know, strange, since we have been SOOOO active.  Shut up.  There is a cafe here called "coffee lab" which is so cool.  The people are nice and ALMOST speak English...but everyone else here...because this is Brazil, and not America, nor England or any other English speaking country.  ITS SO HARD TO LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE! (at 27).  Fuckin A.  I do feel pressure to learn quicker, and I must admit, I am being...wait for it, waaait for it...LAZY about studying.  But it is happening, slowly but surely.  Isis has a "word of the day" everyday, so far they have been: "Whole Shabang" "Wonky" "Stubborn" (which she mockingly recognized was a verrry important word for her to know...ha. ha. ha.) and others.  I have "words of the day" too...I just can't spell them nor do I really remember what they were....Hopeless.

Baby Tree
OH, so here is something very interesting about Brasil:  Speaking out against homosexuality, in any way, under any circumstance, even if it a simple phrase, is punishable by law and you will be arrested for at least 1 night NO MATTER WHAT without bail.
Isis and I have a friend, Mariana, well, obviously she is Isis' friend, but also mine too now, and she has an apt on this beach called Guaruja.  It's kind of funny actually, like the Brasilian Jersey Shore, but hey, apt to stay at, we BBQ'd, made some friends, it was a fun weekend.  ANYWAY, so, Isis and I were making out in public on the ya do...and this man started getting pissed.  Isis and I were completely oblivious and were only told this story by our friends the next day.  So this guy told the waitress, a VERY dykey gay woman, who had a shaved head, that if she didnt stop us he would "fucking punch her (isis) in the face" The woman, Michelle, declined his offer to throw us out and instead stuck up for us.  An off duty police officer happened to be behind this idiot and, whipping out his badge, told the man if he didn't cease being prejudice he would be arrested. Then he asked for Michelle's sympathy, as a man, and Michelle said "no no, Im a woman." and the asshole was denied all empathy from anyone.  Amazing.

Also, fun fact about Brasil...Toilette paper goes in the Garbage Can...not the toilette.  What?  It's VERY difficult to get used to.  Im still not sure if I can throw the brown paper away or in the toilette or what happens.  TMI? get over it.  This fact wasn't explained to me until much later.  Thanks Isis for the non helpfulness.

IT'S CHRISTMAS AND 93 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT!  Also, Isis' mom isnt obsessed with the commercialism of Xmas, can't blame her for that one bit, so all the ornaments and decorations are very "vintage" heh heh.  And the tree is shorter than Isis (and rarely turned on).  I did all the decorating.  OBbbbbviously.

I am enforcing a Harry Potter Marathon to commence immediately.  Just thought you should know.  Chamber of Secrets is happening tonight with Brigadeiro. BRIGADEIRO IS SO DELICIOUS!  MAKE IT!  EAT IT!  LOVE IT!!

We went to Batman Alley the other was fun, also that day I was hit on by a transvestite.  Such a fun day.  So in this Alley, each week the entire place is re-spray painted by whoever the fuck wants to.  Isis and I will spray paint soon.  Just cuz.
Beco Do Batman (Batman Alley) 

OK, I dont feel like writing anymore and Isis is bored and wants to play.  Soooo, guess it's Potter time.  Love you all.  Tchao for  now. 

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